Tuesday, August 6, 2013

You can raise your glass and to say cheers.

It is said that when Johann Wolfgang Goethe was asked, which three things he would take to an island. He stated: "Poetry, a beautiful woman and enough bottles of the world's finest wines to survive this dry period!" Then he was asked what he would leave back first, if it was allowed to take only two things to the island. And he briefly replied: "The poetry!" Slightly surprised, the man asked the next question: "And Sir, what would you leave back if only one was allowed?" And Goethe thought for a couple of minutes and answered: "It depends on the vintage!" 

Indeed if our hearts are warm with happiness or if sorrow chills our hearts we need to take a glass of good wine. We have heard a lot about favorable influence of wine upon man’s organism and from time to time we get new and new arguments in favor of it. “The healthiest people do include moderate drinking in their lifestyle,” says Eric Rimm, Sc.D., associate professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston. You can reap alcohol’s health benefits within weeks, and the gains accumulate over time.” You are watching your calories and wondering what your best bet is: beer, liquor or wine? You must know that ounce for ounce, beer turns out to have the fewest calories (13 for regular, 9 for light), followed by wine (25) and liquor (64 to 82). But when you consider how much you're typically served of each, you may be better off ordering a cocktail. That's because a drink containing a jigger of alcohol, mixed with water, seltzer or diet soda, will have no more than 124 calories—roughly 25 calories less than a 6-ounce glass of wine or a 12-ounce bottle of beer. (Light beer, with only 103 calories per bottle, is also a good choice.) If you like your drinks mixed with regular soda or juice, however, beware: You could slurp down 300 or more calories. Generally experts recommend either12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine or 1½ ounces of 80-proof liquor. And it does not matter which sort of alcohol you prefer - all forms of alcohol have ethanol, the ingredient that adds a health benefit. But women who have a high risk for breast cancer should have less than one drink a day; there’s evidence that alcohol can raise the odds for some forms of the disease and those with a family history of alcoholism should avoid alcohol altogether. 
Moderate drinking raises HDL (“good”) cholesterol, helping reduce the risk for heart disease and possibly stroke, a study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston indicates. Alcohol also makes blood platelets less sticky, so they’re less likely to form into potential heart-attack-inducing clots. It may insulin levels, lowering your risk for type 2 diabetes, according to a study in the journal Obesity. It appears that alcohol can increase cells’ sensitivity to insulin, which in turn allows cells to burn glucose faster and reduce blood sugar levels also that alcohol can increase cells’ sensitivity to insulin, which in turn allows cells to burn glucose faster and reduce blood sugar levels. 
A glass of good wine can make our daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance as Benjamin Franklin said.

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